Marshall, H. (2016). Strategies for success in musical theatre: A guide for music directors in school, college, and community theatre. NY: Oxford.
Book sections and contributions
Marshall, H. (2020). Music Activities. In W. Valerio, A. Reynolds, and C. Taggart (Eds.), Music play II: The early childhood music curriculum. Chicago: GIA.
Marshall, H. (2016). Early childhood music. In A. Hammel, B. Hickox, and R. Hourigan (Eds.), Winding it back: Teaching to individual differences in classroom and ensemble settings. NY: Oxford.
Marshall, H. (2009). Percussion techniques syllabus & Teaching journals framework. In C. Conway & T. Hodgman (Eds.), Teaching music in higher education. NY: Oxford.
Valerio, W., Brophy, T., Bond, J., Johnson, D., Gault, B., Abril, C., & Marshall, H. (2009).
General music education pre-service teacher preparation: Views from university faculty and cooperating teachers. Proceedings from the 2009 Symposium on Music Teacher Education.
Marshall, H. (2009). Musical play with hula hoops. In B. Bolton (Ed.). Vaikas ir muzika: Proceedings from the international Lithuanian early childhood music conference. Vilnius: Kronta.
Marshall, H. (2006). Restructuring and partnering in urban schools: Examples of change, cooperation, and courage. In C. Frierson-Campbell (Ed.), Teaching Music in the Urban Classroom, Volume 2: A guide to leadership, teacher education, and reform. Lanham,MD: Roman & Littlefield.
Marshall, H. (2006). Guides for observation in a music setting. In C. Conway & T.
Hodgman (Eds.), Handbook for the beginning music teacher. Chicago: GIA.
Marshall, H. (2005). World music within the context of music learning theory. In M. Runfola & C. Taggart (Eds.), The development and practical application of music learning theory. Chicago: GIA.
Conway, C., Marshall, H., and Hartz, B. (2014). Movement instruction to facilitate beat competency in instrumental music. Music Educators Journal, 100, 3.
Valerio, W., Brophy, T., Bond, J., Johnson, D., Gault, B., Abril, C., & Marshall, H. (2012). Exploring views from university faculty and cooperating teachers on general music teacher preparation. Visions of Research in Music Education, 22.
Marshall, H. (2011). Notable notes: In celebration of the unsteady beat. Perspectives, 4, 2.
Marshall, H. (2009). Sound exploration centers: A laboratory for sensory integration. Perspectives, 4, 4.
Marshall, H. & J. Bailey (2009). Observing and communicating early childhood music and movement development. Perspectives, 4, 2.
Marshall, H. (2008). Resources and Reviews: Drumming. General Music Today, 22, 1.
Marshall, H. (2008). Improvisation in the folk and classical idioms. General Music Today, 21, 3.
Marshall, H. (2008). Classroom connections to history, stories, and literature. General Music Today, 21, 2.
Marshall, H. (2007). Musical implications of cognitive dissonance. The GIML Audea, 12, II.
Marshall, H. (2007). Witty titles deliver a wealth of ideas and information. General Music Today, 20, 3.
Marshall, H. (2007). Elementary choir resources. General Music Today, 20, 2.
Marshall, H. (2006). The classroom percussionist. General Music Today, 20, 1.
Marshall, H. & Van Haaren, P. (2006). Recorder resources, Part 2. General Music Today, 19, 3.
Marshall, H. & Van Haaren, P. (2006). Recorder resources, Part I. General Music Today, 19, 2.
Marshall, H. (2005). Connecting the dots: From absolutes to continua. General Music Today, 19, 1.
Marshall, H. (2005). Song collections from North America and the British Isles. General Music Today, 18, 3.
Marshall, H. (2005). Elementary choir resources. General Music Today, 18, 2.
Marshall, H. (2004). Resources for music educators: Improvisation strategies and resources, Part 2. General Music Today, 18, 1.
Marshall, H. (2004). Resources for music educators: Improvisation strategies and resources for general music. General Music Today, 17, 3.
Marshall, H. (2003). Resources for music educators: Measuring achievement in singing. General Music Today, 17, 1.
Marshall, H. (2003). Resources for music educators. General Music Today, 16, 3.
Marshall, H. (2003). Resources for music educators: On brain and learning theory. General Music Today, 16, 2.